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ATOP A MOUNTAINSIDE IN LYONS, COLORADO, SITS A HOME DESIGNED FOR A WORLD TRAVELER AND A CLAS – SIC MINIMALIST. With its clean lines and modern design, the house’s global charm can be found in the custom cabinetry, handmade and shipped in from Poland, tongue and groove wood ceilings, wall-to-wall win – dows, and floating stone counters.  In May 2013, Charlotte Grojean, a longtime partner architect and her husband, Stan Strauss, teamed with Petra Custom Builders to bring her dream home design to life. The home’s design was intentionally shaped to reduce the removal of the native sandstone and foliage and minimize the impact on the natural landscape of the property.  Three months later, the Colorado Floods struck. Jimmy Moore, the project’s Superintendent, felt convicted to contribute to the restoration of his high school home – town. He, along with the homeowners, decided to halt the project and disperse A Mountain Marvel ARTICLE BRIANNA BLAIR | PHOTOGRAPHY KYLIE FITTS BRINGING DREAM HOMES TO LIFE WITH PETRA CUSTOM BUILDERS Petra’s labor throughout the town to assist with disaster relief. Weeks later, the team reassembled; in 16 months, the one-of-akind home was finished. “Charlotte’s modern mountain marvel is close to our hearts in that it was an incredible accomplishment to build such a challenging project and so close to home,” says Celeste Grow, Interior Designer for Petra Custom Builders. While the Strauss residence is magnif – icently modern, the look is softened by Grojean’s collection of antiques and vin – tage Turkish rugs. The combination of “old meets new” perfectly represents their love of both forms of design. “By executing both design and construc – tion in-house,” says Grow, “there is a seam – less transition between the collaborative design process with the homeowner into the building phase, ensuring the client’s vision is brought to life the way it was intended — from the time it was just an idea.”

Working with Petra Custom Builders starts with an open line of communication that brings a vision to fruition. Says Grow, “We find that our collaborative approach to design and construction with our clients allows us the opportunity to provide the best conceivable product through the clear understanding of the vision we gain as a result of working alongside them throughout the process.” Each project, whether a remodel or custom home, is a collaboration with Petra Custom Builders and unique to the client’s lifestyle. “The distinctive quality of each of our projects is in the individuality of the homeowners we work with,” says Grow. “We take tremendous pride in gathering the inspiration for our designs from our homeowners’ lifestyles in an effort to enhance their lifestyles.”

Petra Custom Builders’ competitive edge comes from their customer service by establishing clear communication and building authentic relationships first. For more information Petra Custom Builders and the possibility of building your own home like Charlotte and Stan, please visit www.petracustombuilders.com.
